
A couple of hours after publishing my previous post, I found this in my Mastodon feed. It’s the perfect response to Musk’s juvenile provocation. Così diciamo anche noi (So say we all) is the only thing I can think of to add.

2 thoughts on “Followup

  1. bystander January 22, 2025 / 1:46 pm

    It’s going to get even uglier than I imagined, isn’t it? My father served in the Army-Air Force in WWII; bombardier/navigator. I can only guess what he’d have thought of Musk. Glad for him he’s no longer among the living…. but maybe if we had a few more WWII vets alive we wouldn’t be looking at Musk anywhere near the White House at all? Wishes were horses..

    • William Timberman January 22, 2025 / 2:38 pm

      Yes. It’ll be far uglier, in fact, than any white American can possibly imagine who isn’t already familiar with German or Russian history, or for that matter, the actual history of the US, the history never taught in our schools. African Americans, Mexican Americans, and Native Americans, for obvious reasons, won’t have any need to imagine what it‘ll be like.

      There’ll be no shortage of gleeful, stupid thugs looking for any excuse to humiliate or damage us, our relatives, our friends, and to lay waste to the things we thought belonged to us. Some of these thugs will be licensed by national, state, and local governments, but most will be freelancers, who’ll know full well that no one will try to stop them, let alone punish them, no matter what they do to us. We’ll no longer have any rights that an imbecile wearing a red hat will be obliged to respect, and they won’t need to look for a yellow star on our lapel to identify us—they’ll just walk up to us and demand that we recite the catechism of eternal fealty to Donald Trump word-for-word, without any faltering, or any misplaced phrase.

      The billionaires and trillionaires will smirk—they’re already smirking—and pretend we’re invisible. Many, if not most, of the public figures we trusted will become collaborators. If they deign to answer us when we ask why, they’ll claim they had no choice. Cowardice with be the order of the day. Such solidarity as exists will be furtive, and beset with fears of betrayal.

      The tide is already coming in. Soon it will be a tsunami, and before the next general election in 2026, almost everyone we know will be making excuses for the worst atrocities of the new world order. None of this will stop us, of course, but from now on there’ll be no place to hide. We may die if we resist, but something more important will die if we don’t. Ask the descendants of American slaves. They’ll tell you it doesn’t matter how long it takes, not if we keep our eyes on the prize…

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