Compared to the gaseous diffusions of our political discourse these days, the offerings of our songwriters are often a marvel of directness.
If you want to know what I mean, do yourself a favor and go listen to John Mayer’s gem Gravity, from his album Continuum. I won’t quote the lyrics here — fair use and all that — but if you’re in need of a blues hymn to shelter you for a couple of minutes from the storms of bloviation whipped up by our on-all-the-time media, you can’t do any better.
Trust me.
Lyrics you can quote to your hearts content as far as I know.
You can even post the videos from Youtube! Live or studio version.
I doubt I can embed it here on a thread but it might be possible with some tinkering. You should be able to embed the videos in a post – no problem. RTFM.
Read the effin’ manual!
Test for embedding Youtube video, if it breaks William’s blog I’m not responsible!:
Yeah, I thought about both, but figured no, what the hell. If people actually want to hear it, or see it, or read the lyrics, Google or iTunes is their friend. A bad attitude, do you think? Not in the spirit of the Web? I’ll have to consider that, I guess — it’s not as though posting an embedded link is all that hard.
You want to do what’s the easiest for you.
Just wait until the spambots find you.
I saw the embedded video in the preview but…
And quit messing around with the cats.
I like “Culturevulturing”.
I like it too, but decided to reserve it for when I comment on something sleazy, like the press treatment of Brittany Spears — or imponderable, like the Mormon idea of sacred architecture.