- A criminal enterprise
- A terrorist organization
- A death cult
Month: October 2020
I’m pretty sure that Christian Education and Socialist Realism were assembled in the same oxymoron factory.
Sauve qui peut, or salsipuedes? Seems you must pick one or the other (though neither of them are to be what they claim.)
Twitter has its virtues. Preparing a table for us in the presence of our enemies isn’t the least of them.
A pity our American Nazis don’t speak German. If they did, we could maybe teach them a little Goethe, a little Rilke, a little Brecht.
We live in a golden age of unintended consequences. A cliché, but what about those armies of raccoons ambushing hapless Whole Foods delivery drones in dimly-lit urban alleyways, or your Tesla backing out of the garage and driving to MacDonalds without opening the door for you first? You anticipate any of that, did you?